Privacy Policy

Your trust in sharing sensitive data with us is highly appreciated, and we prioritize the utmost respect for your privacy. This privacy notice is intended to transparently detail the information we collect, its utilization, and the responsibilities you bear in connection to it. We encourage you to dedicate the time to thoroughly read and comprehend this notice, as its content is crucial to understanding our data practices.


You recognize that your access to our Website and/or the Works, or any infringement upon the property rights or other privileges of any individual by you or anyone using your computer, may expose us to claims, demands, reasonable fees, costs, or setbacks, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising in any manner or form.

Contractual Limitations

By utilizing our Website and/or the Works, you comprehend that you or any other individual using your computer may infringe upon someone else's property rights or other rights. This could lead to us being held responsible for any resultant claims, demands, costs, or damages, including reasonable legal expenses.

Contracts Disclaim

To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contract negates any warranties, guarantees, conditions, and other terms that might otherwise be implied by legislation or common law. These Terms do not limit or disclaim our liability for any harm or loss resulting from our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for any death or bodily injury caused by our negligence.


If any of the specified Terms are deemed void, invalid, or unenforceable by any competent court, such provision will be adjusted or narrowed to the extent reasonably necessary to comply with the laws of that jurisdiction and prevent the provision from being void. All other clauses shall remain separate and unaffected by such determination, without impacting the validity of the remaining clauses in these terms.

Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute arising from or in connection with these provisions or any contract you have with us, you commit to initially attempting to resolve the matter through mediation in good faith, jointly with us, before resorting to arbitration or court proceedings.

Privacy Updates

This privacy notice is subject to periodic updates, with a new "Revised" date signifying the modified version, which becomes effective upon publication. Should there be significant changes to our privacy statement, we will notify you through either a public announcement of the alterations or a personalized message. To stay abreast of the protective measures we implement for your information, we recommend that you consistently review our privacy notice.

Controls For Do-Not-Track Features

In most web browsers, some smartphones and tablets, and software devices, you can activate the Do-Not-Track ("DNT") function or setting to express your preference not to have information regarding your online browsing activity tracked and collected. It's important to note that there is currently no universally accepted technical standard for recognizing and implementing DNT signals.